منهج مادة ELI 104

Successful completion of ELI 103 or an Oxford Online
Placement Test score corresponding to pre-intermediate proficiency level.
Credits: There are two credits for this course. Successful completion of ELI 104
gives students the necessary credits to meet the Foundation Year English
requirement for securing admission to various undergraduate programs.
Course Description: ELI 104 is an intermediate level course aiming to build and
further improve language proficiency at B1 Threshold level on the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). It is a seven-week module
course with 18 hours of instruction each week.
Course Goal: The course aims at helping learners to achieve an overall English
language proficiency leading to higher Independent User of language defined as high
B1 level on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR),
giving reasons and explanations for opinions and plans and describing experiences
and events.
Course Objectives: The course is intended to accomplish its goal in one full
academic module of seven weeks through developing students’ language skills to:
1. Read and understand a wide variety of extended texts.
2. Listen to, understand, and participate in extended oral communications.
3. Construct a range of coherent and cohesive texts with multiple paragraphs in a
fully developed response.
4. Demonstrate consistent control of a wide range of grammatical structures.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): See the detailed 104 SLOs document in
the ELI Curriculum Guide 2012/2013.
Learner Training: Learner training is essential to the achievement of the Learning
Outcomes. It helps learners select and implement appropriate learning strategies
and resources, monitor their own use of strategies and change them if necessary,
and monitor the effectiveness of their own learning. It covers a range of learner
needs including dictionary use, taking notes, vocabulary notebook, questioning,
learners' collaboration, learner autonomy, and self-study and revision skills using the
Learning Management System (LMS) for online practice.
For more information, see the detailed 104 SLOs document in the ELI Curriculum
Guide 2012/2013.
Course Materials: The core textbook is Soars, John and Liz, (2011), New Headway
Plus Intermediate, Special Edition, Oxford University Press with the following support
• Workbook with DVD-ROM.
• Learning Management System (LMS) for online practice at
www.headwayplusonline.com accessed with the Student’s Access Code found in the
back of the Student’s Book.
• Headway Plus Intermediate Writing Guide for additional writing support.
Course Length and Pacing: ELI 104 consists of 18 hours of class time each week.
The English Language Institute follows a modular system with two modules taught in
each academic semester. Thus, the course length for ELI 104 is one module of seven
calendar weeks which allows for a total of 126 hours of class time each module. The
104 Instructor's Pacing Guide is designed on a weekly basis, specifying available
materials and providing instructors with a degree of flexibility, allowing ample class
time for language practice, and for the incorporation of relevant supplementary
materials to facilitate SLO achievement. It also emphasizes regular Learner Training
as an essential component of the learning process.
Assessment: Student achievement is measured from a variety of assessment
perspectives, including mid-module and final examinations (70%), two writing
examinations (10%), two speaking examinations (10%) and continuous
assessment/portfolio (10%). The mid-module and final examinations focus on
listening and reading comprehension, grammar usage, and vocabulary. Continuous
assessment/portfolio includes writing and reading assignments.
The assessment tools are designed and administered as follows:
Mid-Module Examination:
o Content: Listening & Reading Comprehension, Grammar Usage, Vocabulary
o Format: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
o Frequency: One mid-module exam.
o Time: 90 minutes.
o Weight: 30% of final grade.
Final Examination:
o Content: Listening & Reading Comprehension, Grammar Usage, Vocabulary
o Format: Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs).
o Frequency: One at end of module.
o Time: 105 minutes.
o Weight: 40% of final grade.
Writing Examination:
o Content: A coherent and cohesive descriptive, narrative, or discursive essay of at
least three paragraphs on a familiar topic, using facts, opinions, appropriate
introduction, supporting details, conclusion, and displaying accurate spelling and
appropriate grammatical and lexical range and accuracy for this level in legible, neat,
and comprehensible writing.
o Frequency: Two per module.
o Time: 40 minutes.
o Weight: 10% of the final grade.
Speaking Examination:
o Content: Oral presentation on a familiar topic
o Format: A short talk delivered in front of the class and assessors followed by a
Q&A session.
o Frequency: Two per module.
o Time: Approximately 10 minutes.
o Weight: 10% of the final grade.
Continuous Assessment (Portfolio):
o Content: A variety of writing tasks and Reading Circles' assignments.
o Format: Headway Plus Intermediate Writing Guide and Graded Readers.
o Weight: 10% of the final grade.

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5/7/2014 11:43:53 AM